I got into town okay, and only missed Winchester once. I found a vacant spot on the street itself and slid into it, dropped a few coins in the meter and walked over to the Hotel. There weren't any rooms for rent, but they served a mean shot of whiskey. I ordered two and went over to where the Wide Man sat. He wasn't difficult to pick out from the crowd, sitting in a big bench seat and taking up most of it. He had blond hair and a puffy handlebar moustache that looked out of place under his bright blue eyes. The sketch of him had been black and white, and the shocking blue lent new strength to a face that looked sort of dissolute without it.
He looked up from his menu and smiled. It was a good smile, a movie-star smile, and I found myself feeling a bit more sympathetic than I had when I parked the car outside. However, I was a professional, and I pushed it aside as he began to speak in a deep bass voice.
"I am Devon Sinclair, and you must be my mystery caller from the Capitol. I must say, I was a bit surprised to get a call from a private detective, and despite your hints, I have no idea what you might have asked to meet me here for."
I searched his face, but there was no clue that he might be hiding anything from me. Either he was a top-notch poker player- something he was rather poor at from the accounts I had been given, or he didn't know anything about the murder at all.
"Mr- um, Sinclair," I said (I had almost called him 'Mr. Wide Man', and coughed to hide my slight flush) "I have to ask you where you were one month ago tonight, at approximately 6:00."
As I asked, I happened to look at the clock and saw that it was 5:52pm exactly. The sweep hand on the ornate grandfather clock had just hit the twelve when I finished the question.
The Wide Man looked thoughtful for a second. "I believe I would have been with Ms. St. Ives, at the Concord Inn, engaged in business of a rather... private sort."
I stared at him, and saw him register my astonishment before I could smooth my features again.
"I- I'm sorry, Mr. Sinclair, but to admit to it, so baldly! I was unprepared for this. Do you have... a statement you wish to make about the murder?"
Moving House
2 years ago
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